Heavenly Tradition
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
January 20, 1973
In the course of their long war, they each wanted to strengthen themselves to maintain a balance of power, and when they are at the peak of being diminished, they will not fall back to this side, but they will fall back beyond the peak to the other side. They are starting from the Communistic individual and Cain-type family, tribe, nation and world. The other party does the same. On the peak they are not going to go reversely down but they will go over the peak and they will fall on the other side. If they went up this way the idea was to have the whole world under their ideologies, but they will be diminished, although they will not throw away their ambition of having the world. Although they are on the way to destruction, their ideologies will be based on the worldwide base. They wouldn’t discard the idea of having to include the whole world under their ideology. More than being the Abel-type nation or Cain-type nation, the strongest power must think that they are going to have the whole world as their nation. But having gone through the stage of the worldwide level, they will not throw away their ideology. So, even though their power will be diminished, they won’t throw away their ideology of making the world into one. At the peak, if any one of the two would give up hope about having the leading power in the world, they would be faced with ruin and they cannot go over the peak to the other side. As time goes by, they will be diminished to nothing at full speed. For instance, if this course has gone through 2,000 years of history, this may take 200 years. Or it may be 20 years. In 1960 the situation was at the peak and then, going down to reach the year 1980, a new change will be brought about.