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Cham Bumo Gyeong, Book 7: True Parents Course of Suffering and Victory
Section 17, pp. 740-1

During my school days I debated with my friends who studied the theories of communism. I did not believe that we should follow that ideology, and all my life I have been fighting the communists. I know in detail what communism is all about.

The system most completely organized according to cthe communist program was the prison system. Nevertheless, in prison I never engaged in the communist practice of self-criticism. During my life in prison, for two years and five months, I never wrote even one of the obligatory papers of self-criticism. For that reason I was n their blacklist.

But even under those circumstances, without saying a word, I became the top worker. That was the only way that I could survive. If I had compromised even a little, I could not have survived there. So I made myself the champion in all aspects and in all areas. No one could keep up with me. I was the first in scooping up the fertilizer, in dragging the bags, in tying them, and in putting them on the train. Therefore, I received the top worker award every year while I was in prison.

Survival through sacrificial love
…True Father restored through indemnity the suffering of Jesus and carried on the mission he had inherited from him…